Sun Power


Did you know that you can reduce the wastage of energy and your carbon footprint with an energy audit? We perform that for you free of cost and help you save a tonne on your energy bill! Our free energy audit determines the energy efficiency of your house and offers detailed insights into energy efficiency assessment and your entire electricity consumption. At the end of your audit, a dedicated team of experts generates a detailed audit report. With the help of this report, you can easily identify where things are going wrong and take the necessary steps in the direction of the judicious use of electricity.

 This free energy audit consists of 3 parts: evaluation, testing, and at last, efficiency recommendations. Once you are done with the audit you will get home improvement suggestions along with energy grades and suggestions for cutting energy bills or costs associated with them.

 The audit also analyzes the cooling and heating systems, insulation levels, number of doors and windows, and other external measurements. Following it up there will be an airtightness test for air leakage and for determining your residence envelope. This audit process also includes the usage of equipment like furnace efficiency meters, surface thermometers, and infrared cameras.

 After the testing and the evaluation of your commercial or residential building is over, the energy auditor will offer a detailed list of useful recommendations about improvements you can make to your energy efficiency.

 All in all, at the end of this energy audit, you will be clear on various energy-saving options, ventilation, electrical system’s carbon monoxide reduction, wiring, and so on. The best part is that all our energy saver solutions are customized according to individual clients.

